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South Kazakhstan Medical Academy

South Kazakhstan Medical Academy


South Kazakhstan Medical Academy (SKMA) was established in 1979. It is accredited and officially recognized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The University has a modern infrastructure for educational and scientific activities. It always looks forward to developing a modern foundation to strengthen the material and technical resources for scientific research laboratories.
SKMA is a brilliant medical school, which aims to offer high quality of medical and pharmaceutical education to the students at all levels. The teaching staff always tries to update and upgrade themselves to provide the best knowledge and skills to the students; to do so clinical activities are organized for teaching staff as well. The University organizes educational programs for the students to provide them with the environment for their professional growth and provide knowledge to them about the modern terms in the market.

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Training of highly qualified competitive medical and pharmaceutical specialists for the Southern region and the country as a whole on the basis of the achievements of modern science and practice, ready to adapt to the rapidly changing conditions in the medical and pharmaceutical industry through continuous improvement of competence and development of creative initiative.
Effective system of medical and pharmaceutical education, based on the competence approach and the needs of practical public health and pharmaceutical industries, focused on the training of specialists that meet international quality and safety standards.

Basic ethical principles, on which SKMA relies for the realization of its mission:
The principle of high professionalism the teaching staff of SKMA – this is permanent improvement of their knowledge and skills, ensuring the provision of quality educational services for students at all levels of training.
The principle of quality in SKMA – this is the realization of conception of modernization of Kazakhstan education, the main direction of which is to ensure the modern quality of education based on the preservation of its fundamental and compliance with the actual and prospective needs of the individual, society and state, which is ensured by the use in the educational process, scientific-research activities and consultative and diagnostic work of innovative technologies and new achievements of science and practice.
The principle of orientation training – this is the implementation of a student-centered learning process on flexible path of educational programs, taking into account the rapidly changing economic conditions and current trends in the labor market, the creation of maximum effective conditions for their professional growth, development of motivation and monitoring of training outcomes, continuous renovation of educational programs, expanding the volume of knowledge and competence, necessary for effective professional activity.


Bachelor’s degree
5B130100 - «General medicine»
5B130300 - «Pediatrics»
5B130200 - «Stomatology»
5B110300 - «Pharmacy»
5B074800 - «Technology of Pharmaceutical Production»
5B110200 - «Public health»
5B110100 - «Nursing»


Located at Shymkent, Kazakhstan, the South Kazakhstan State Medical University was incepted in the year of 1979. The university has been touted as one of the most preferred and best universities in the Shymkent region of Kazakhstan. It now ranks as the best universities in the list of such universities at the national level.
The university is equipped with adequate staff and exceptional academic infrastructure to provide all the necessary teaching and learning support to the students from the home country and from other countries.
The organizational structure of the university is devised to provide maximum support for the students for their excellence in academic activities that can make them better medical professionals who can contribute to the betterment of the society and the field of medical studies. For this the university is supported by various youth policies and supportive initiative of the government ensuring continuous improvement and exceptional levels of quality for each and every students of the university
Most of the international students of the university prefer general medicine, dentistry or pharmacy as their choice of study. The students hail from countries such as India, Pakistan, South Korea, Japan, China and continents like Africa and even Europe.
The university has adequate academic infrastructure to ensure that the students are able to get the best practical and theoretical exposure to the subjects they study in the university. The university has an excellent library that has tens of thousands of books on various subjects that can help the students immensely during their medical course in the university.
As part of the university’s initiative to provide highest levels of education to its students, it has established exceptional networks and academic exchanges with some of the best medical universities and educational institutes in Kazakhstan and other countries as well. Also, the university invites at times several experts in various medical and research fields for guest lectures and interactions with the students to deliver better learning experience for the students. As a university that aims to bring in exceptional and holistic development in the personality of the students, the university has in place several extra-curricular activities and initiatives.


MBBS in Kazakhstan is for the students willing to become good doctors but in affordable costs. It is not possible for every student to bear the high donation or tuition fee charges in the Indian private medical colleges. So 5 year MBBS course in Kazakhstan can be a very good decision to make.
Students can avail the facilities which the medical universities in Kazakhstan offer and that too in affordable costs. The universities are well equipped with all modern amenities and also have a good infrastructure and campus. Hostel and Food facility is also available for the students coming from all corners of the world. The education system in Kazakhstan and specially the medical universities attract many foreigner students every year.
The pass outs from the medical universities of Kazakhstan can work globally depending upon their choice and availability of opportunities.

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south kazakhstan medical academy official website
south kazakhstan medical academy world ranking
south kazakhstan medical academy wikipedia
south kazakhstan medical academy ranking

south kazakhstan medical academy fees
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south kazakhstan medical academy hostel


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