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Crimea Federal University Medical Academy named after S.I. Georgievsky ,Simferopol,Crimea,Russia

Crimea Federal University Medical Academy 

Crimea Federal University

S.I. Georgievsky’s Medical Academy is a structural subdivision of the federal state autonomous educational institution of higher education "V.I. Vernadsky’s Crimean Federal University".

University has created a continuing medical education model including:

  • pre-university training - preparatory department, preparatory courses;
  • five departments in training for doctors-specialists and pharmacists - 1st medical, 2nd medical, international medical, dental, pharmaceutical;
  • department of training medical employees of the highest qualification and additional professional education (APE) –educational programs for interns, residents, masters, refresher training and professional retraining.

38 out of 53 departments of the Academy study clinical medicine.

Specialists are trained by specialty programs: 31.05.01 "General Medicine"; 31.05.02 "Pediatrics"; 31.05.03 "Dentistry"; 33.05.01 "Pharmacy".

Masters are trained by specialty 38.04.04 "State and municipal management":

1. Master's program "State management in the field of health protection".

2. The Master's program "Management of modern health organization (institution)".

Academy’s traineeship consists of 32 licensed professions.

The university developed a comprehensive approach to organizational, scientific and methodological support of the educational process. Education level in Academy meets all requirements of modern medical institution by introducing educational films, molds, phantoms, diagnostic equipment in clinical departments and training center.

The high level of our students’ education is provided by a strong teaching staff: about 600 experts including 380 PhD and 99 Doctors of Sciences (academic title: Associate Professor - 202, Professor - 76).

Currently 4600 students are trained in Medical Academy (1660 - foreign citizens from 45 countries), 480 residents, 44 post-graduate, 86 masters (second higher education in state and municipal health managent).

IES Certified University from London


According to the current migration law, when entering the RF you must get and fill in a migration card. You must fill in a migration card yourself in Russian, clearly and without any corrections. If you do not speak Russian, you are allowed to fill in your personal data using the Latin alphabet in accordance with what is written in your passport. You should indicate “studies” as the aim of your entrance to the country!

On arrival in RF (after every crossing the RF border) you must get registered within 3 working days since the days of crossing the border. To do it, you must apply to Room 11 of the Dean’s Office of the International Medical Faculty and produce the passport and the migration card with a mark about entrance to RF made by a border control.

After that you should receive a registration card in the same office within 5-7 days; it will include the allowed term of your staying at RF. 

For Admission Call 9993336778

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